Grey Thoughts

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Adoring Lines to the Flower of Brazil

Lovely lines for a lovely girl, a kind and giving soul who touches every person she meets.


I love a lovely girl—a Flower

from the sun-baked land of Brazil;

ageless, she by clock's every hour

makes the time be perfectly still.

Though fair and gorgeously pretty,

she longs to be known and adored

for her heart and inward beauty,

where love is felt and richly stored.

She's queenly and wears a lush crown,

a regent who sits on her throne;

a Rose, she's praised and of renown,

and prized for her rare grace alone.

Too selfless and giving and kind

to disappoint, she lives to care;

and gives alms to the lame and blind,

and for me always says a prayer.

By Ngoc Nguyen

From: United States