Grey Thoughts

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Flying Somewhere in the Imagination

Flying somewhere in the imagination

And passing through a particular destination

You meet different birds and mountains 

In different clouds and surfaces

With all the experiences to create nostalgic moments.

You meet air, water and go through with night and river

You live the thunder and lightning and go through the laughter and thereafter

These moments shall not remain like it is while going through the train

The train that once stopped and boarded

Brings back those emotions that once you shared.

Sometimes just in the blink of a thought, you reach somewhere and that triggers the reason for the creation of intangible feelings.

And you never know the cause behind arousing it which melts and gets hardened which leaves the traces for your sufferings.

You might know the reason behind your sadness

You might know the reason behind your aggressiveness

You might know the reason behind your anger

You might know the reason behind your hamper

But you still remain a victim

And you go through extreme

Making scenario devastating

Which becomes frustrating

You try many options to get out of thoughts

You share feelings with friends but that doesn't work

You get vulnerable

Your mental gets tangle

You try to be calm

But nothing helps to balm

The thing that's triggering you is just around

You know but you can't turn around

You are helpless

But you try to stay silent

But the inner fight keeps moving

And you still have to keep going.

Battling every time with thoughts is not easy

Sometimes you just need to accept and remain steady

The only option can be to let go of thoughts

But that's the scenario which cannot be easy to stop.

There are demons so does crayons

But that doesn't mean you are in heavens

You have an opinion so does the battalion

But that doesn't mean that you have to stay on.

Just move on

Just move on

Just move on

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

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