The Path of the Fireflies
A hidden glimpse inside my soul reveals a new path, lined with fireflies to guide my way. The path is smooth and soft beneath my toes like fresh sand. I can feel it give way beneath my step as the flight of the fireflies outline each footstep in its soft glow. My mind is filled with childlike curiosity as I follow along, the sweet scent of blooming hyacinths riding the warm breeze beside me. I can hear the lulling sound of waves rolling to an undiscovered beach in the distance, and the far-off cry of a seagull.
The fireflies blink in code, speaking a language only understood between them, as they continue to guide me along this path. I look behind me and see my footprints following, with fleeting glimpses of my past just out of my line of sight. The fireflies blink again in unison and I look forward again, leaving my trail behind me, along with any remnants of the past that I’ve left along the trail. This path is meant to lead me forward and I have no desire to look back again.
As I walk further, I can feel peace wrap around me like a worn and comfortable blanket. Each step I take, I breathe in the calming peace and exhale worry and self-doubt. I can feel bitterness and revenge fall behind me. Regret and loss are replaced with eagerness and wonder as I continue my trek.
As the sun begins to peak above the horizon, I can feel the joy inside me escape into a smile on my face, my eyes wide, and my stride confident. The path begins to widen under my feet. My joy turning into a skip and a twirl along the way, the fireflies dancing to the song inside me. The sounds of the ocean grow louder, it’s rhythm adding to my song, the seagulls crying in melody.
As the sun rises in the sky, golden and gleaming, I can see the ocean I have been hearing for so long, it’s whitecaps crashing into the shore and returning out to sea. It is at this moment that I understand my journey, this new path within my soul. A journey of rebirth, of letting go, of coming to life; and I realize how blessed I am.
By Tracey Koehler
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