The Shadow Of Karma
A thought I once designed
Appeared to have cleansed away.
Watered it sufficiently and
Gave my smile, offering her a
Hope to live a life that drowned
Broken. As the bud agape and
The flowers blossomed, auburn
Aflame her petals, the moon
Cascaded grace upon her. Through
Many years of care, she fell
For the drizzle, becoming
Moist with his touch—
Until one day, drenched in
Showers, revealed her amour
For the rain. Auburn brought
Draught in return. Sans a drop,
She barely could breathe.
The moon unheeded her pleas;
Through a long night, she stood
In solitude. With none to assist
Her, she came to me with folded
Leaves. Feeling her pathos, gave
The sprinklers to revive her breath.
Tears of gratitude fell; autumn and
Winter vacillated, she was receiving
Nourishment for her survival.
One day, hearing the monsoon’s arrival,
Butterflies hovered around her.
She could cognisance his arrival,
She started her conniption, ignoring
Her messiah. Nature stuccoes her
Signs, descending with blessings—
But when ignored, she smiles,
Letting the firmament shower
Incessantly for months,
Cleaving her, sans traces.
By Orbindu Ganga
From: India
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