Death at 30: Update 2020
So basic update, the apocalypse began early this year. It’s very boring and very slow. A mutant virus broke out of what could only be described as the real-world Umbrella Corporation and infected a large portion of the world’s population. But instead of creating mutants or zombies, it created sheep and bigots. So… Yeah, that was unexpected. I’m also not sure there is even anything going on at this point. It’s been like seven months and I’ve still not met a single person infected or met someone who met someone infected. I have been hanging out in public areas and being heavily unprotected with hopes of catching this virus to roll that survival dice but nothing has happened. If it moved through me, it did nothing or this shit isn’t real because I should have had it by now based on how crazy the news is.
I’m still planning on committing suicide otherwise. Even this fucking virus is boring the crap out of me. I don’t see a need for anything, and if this virus did anything good it accented the massive amounts of stupidity that exist within not just this country but the planet as a whole. I’m just more aware than I’ve ever been about how stupid this planet is. I’m ever increasingly annoyed by everything and everyone. Idiots screaming at each other and killing each other over the ideas of some third party that neither side ever came up with. Innocent businesses and bystanders getting hurt because all sides of an argument the bystander’s aren’t involved in are violent a recklessly stupid.
Over it. Just a few more months and that should be it.