Slow Down
/Patience Is The Key
Understanding, Clarity
And Oneness Is Shared
The Abstract Art Gallery
Broken, confused writer Jack Thomas puts the images in his mind on display in this "Blog." He dives into personal experience and his observations of the world to share his take on morality, childhood trauma, creativity, relationships, sex, politics, religion, violence, reality and more. Using countless formats from narrative driven short stories, to poetry, to song lyrics and philosophical explanations.
Patience Is The Key
Understanding, Clarity
And Oneness Is Shared
...agreed on itself to proceed to different ranges of that same one morality, otherwise the context itself is different, meaning any two moral arguments are incompatible regardless how similar, because something is always off.
We have to first understand how we know nothing and how there is no way to know anything. There will never be. The only thing for certain is that we are having some type of perceptual experience, whether illusion or not. We still manage to perceive for whatever reason and we must build off of this fact and question the entire...
Read More...holding from tearing apart and the necessity for oxygen forgotten, “What?” she asks. “How is this possible?” She’s in panic mode.
“You wanted someone to understand you. Who can understand you more than me, yourself?” he says and glances at the pen in his hand, then at the pen in hers.
She stares at the pen in his hand following him, and then at the pen in hers, and then back at his empty hand.
“I don’t understand what’s going on!” The confusion is nearly infuriating, but she’s shaking with the icy terror consuming her bones. Before long her body begins to dive into a shock, freezing and sending her into catatonic pause...
Read More...bad ones so it looks like that’s the case, but do not let the loud minority represent the quiet majority. BE MORE FUCKING INTELLIGENT THAN THAT! Media controls your ignorant self by feeding you truth, but not all the truth. If you are shown 800 white cops killing black people, but no cops helping them, think hard about how you are being manipulated. Withholding information is just as valid as lying when it comes to convincing someone of what you want.
The same way that there aren’t that many white supremacists and overall racists towards the black community. Don’t get it wrong, there ARE! But it’s nowhere near how the media portrays it. And none of this has anything to do with Trump, either. That is just a crazy, confused, powerless Oldman unwilling to admit he’s incapable of true power. He’s convinced the presidency or money make him powerful, but if it were the case he would have settled. He strives because he knows he stands nowhere. Leave the old guy alone, he’ll eventually tire himself out and sit down or something. The man...
Read More...normal by pillow standards. It’s a pillow made of feathers, let’s say. Its average length and average width and average high. It’s been around for an average amount of time. Now imagine there is an identical pillow with the slight difference that it has a foam fabric on the inside rather than feathers. Now imagine a third only slightly different from the second, in which instead of being average sized, it’s slightly bigger than the previous. Continue this for as long as you’d like changing any one category to anything possible within the given perimeters and the possibilities are endless. Maybe one of the pillows hasn’t been around a normal amount of time, maybe it is a million year old pillow. Maybe one has always existed and never didn’t exist. Maybe one of them...
Read More...serves as the one obvious distinction between the physical world and the perceiver within said physical world. And the perceiver has a sense that they are not abstract and are different from all other things within the 3D space.
The perceiver comes with inner thought. This is the internal voice of the perceiver, which they consider to be an extension of themselves, and the inner environment in which the voice is placed which feels as though it is not an extension of the perceiver.
The distinction between the perceiver of universe A and their inner thoughts can be made by comparing inner experience to outer experience.
Let’s say the outer perceiver decides they fear rollercoasters and refuse to get onboard. Upon remembering why they fear the rollercoaster they...
Read More...their purposes might be us what they must pursue; whatever we as an individuals want and desire most; the way we feel is the most natural way to behave; it must all be perused because it is the truest version of ourselves. All these things are how we must always be.
If one is a liar they must lie as often as feels natural because telling the truth more than that is punishable. The same goes for telling the truth, if it is who one is and for whatever reason they lie unnaturally, it is punishable. Killers must kill if it is what feels right, or else they shall be punished. The same goes for non-killers who take lives. Sex addicts should be addicted to sex, assholes should always be an asshole. People who don't care about others emotions shouldn't pretend to, and those that do, shouldn't...
Read MoreKnowing the self is the only way to improve.
To reflect and face the madness that goes denied, ignored and neglected.
The superego within our souls fights rational thought with its powerful emotions.
Driven by nature, it’s a force that is unstoppable.
But understanding that the mind, body and soul come as one establishes equilibrium.
The acknowledged flaw becomes a strength in the mind of the wise.
Unresolved issues remain issue unresolved.
...the last three years it’s been drained into the river of a nearby town. The deaths have increased and threats of lawsuits have rattled the company. It’s $100,000 for removing the pipe polluting their water supply.
The public’s reaction could come back negative and affect business. The debate is to determine whether we do anything at all, buy a mile of their land and knock it all down or find a way to blame it on the city and let them fix it. Ideally...
Read MoreSelf-Control
Difficult, Rational
Enlightening, Enhancing, Improving
Most Rational Under Stress
Elevated means.
This fact tells us one thing: Who we are is who we believe other people think we are at any given moment. Because we are not actually perceiving another person’s perspective or interpretation of us, we are actually just judging ourselves all the while pretending another person is doing so. We’re merely using our own subjective information to interpret and conclude on our interactions and observations of others, but it is still us doing the interpreting and concluding.
In other...
Read MorePhilosophy
Abstract, Thought
Enlightening, Inspiring, Elevating
Beyond Science and Religion
1. Death, Physical Ejection
2. Narcissism, Reflection, Erection,
3. God, Eye, I
4. Love, Eye, I, Her
5. Hands, Prison, God
6. Time, Always
7. Life, False Representation
Read MoreThe Vast Universe
An Echo Exists Within
We Control Their World
True Evil Isn't Clear
The Monsters Hide In Plain Sight
They damage Us All
...crumbling infrastructure.
From buildings to dust, living to fertilizer.
The true power of the moving arrow is infinite beyond understanding.
The tower of then and now stands tall overseeing every second.
Time sits on its thrown, bleeding its immense influence waterfalls over all.
Its influence which reaches into the depths of perception itself.
Cruel time with its dark sense of humor.
It’ll patiently discipline another through years of dedication.
And after long enough...
The fragmented mind
It echoes, mirrors itself
The madness within
Obscure, Subjective
Changing, Morphing, Evolving
Nothing Is For Sure
No One Thing Is Real
The All Is Mental, Static
Global Consciousness
Understand, You Don't See Reality
It Is An Illusion, A Fantasy
The Truth Is Simply Blurred
As Is What You've Heard
Subjective Experience Is Just Thought
Illusion, Idea
Approaching, Controlling, Unforgiving
Reflection of Sister Life
Read MoreGrey Thoughts is a place for a multitude of creators in numerous different mediums to display their creative projects for the world to see.