Mysterious God

...If we do, there is no need for a God.
If we pray, are we asking for something already on God’s perfect plan? So it’s not a miracle but rather something that was going to happen regardless of our involvement, making the act of praying meaningless and fruitless in the first place. Or is he answering our prayer against his perfect plan? Maybe his plan wasn’t perfect and our prayer made it a little better? No. Then why pray?
If someone’s death is part of God’s plan, he’s okay with death, we’re the ones...

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Don't Be Outraged

We have to approach situations and information with an open mind. Fitting the “Recreational Outrage” mold is not the way to go. If we’re more worried about telling someone why we believe they’re wrong than whether or not we understand why they believe what they believe we end up being the ignorant party unwilling to learn from the opposition. It’s wiser to understand why we don’t agree rather than just not agree and never know why. Waiting for our turn to talk causes us to miss our turn to listen. If knowledge is power let others inform you and stop informing them. Ask questions instead of offering statements. Grow your knowledge. It’s pointless to attempt to grow someone else’s if you can’t be sure that they’re willing to let you. Grow yours and you’ll be sure at least that got done.

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Within the Universe

The nature of reality must be more complex than possible for us to even imagine. We exist within the universe, as far as we understand it, which means we are made of whatever the internal universe is made of. We have no means of accessing, perceiving or even understanding the origins of the outer universe.

Like a character in a story, it is not possible to question what exists beyond the page without the question itself being posed within the universe using the rules of the universe.

Knowledge of the outside must be discovered with tools from the outside. We have no means or reaching these tools.


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The Lonely Extrovert

...information when I know I don’t have all the parts. There is more to acquire. Even if further reasoning on the same information is the only thing that can be done from my place and time, I’m okay with exploring that, but I’m alone in this.

Comprehension of different minds I fully understand. We don’t all think the same, but in the middle of conversation it escapes me as I’m enjoying myself. As a result, it always feels to me like I’m being abandoned in the middle of a discussion. Because I see more places it can go, but this doesn’t mean they do or if they do that they even want to go there. Reasoning is abstract and that isn’t the most appealing to most. I’d rather just be told they don’t want to be in the conversation...

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Not Thinking

... Solutions lie behind reason. Be less worried about someone understanding your point of view and attempt to understand theirs. Just listen and process. No commenting, no insulting. Don’t say anything. Listen to their explanation. When they’re done, ask a question without inserting new information. Just make it based on what they’ve said. That’s all the reason you need. If it makes sense take it and run, if it doesn’t and they don’t want to hear your reason, well at least you understand you don’t agree with theirs.

But if everyone is busy yelling at each other because emotions who is listening to who? Which side is getting smarter and more informed? Be the bigger person....

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Addictive Tendencies

...reminders of green rage and a broken emotionally unstable heart. Forgotten doubts and regrets rush back in, desperate to be felt by the numb.

Enthusiastically cynical, boiling iron runs through suffocating veins. Natural clouds in unnatural locations, yet, they’re the crazy ones?

Hypocritical denial rooted in clear awareness that the user quickly becomes the used. The plant is alive and a parasite in need of a host willing to indulge its delusive existence. Brainwashed, its family is invited generation after generation to feed off of fresh thought, motivation, energy, oxygen and God knows what else.

They wear the host down convincing them this is their normal state, their desired state, their baseline. A suppression effort to erase original normality...

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Reflective Realization

Lost between who I thought I was and who I think I’ve discovered I am
A brave warrior attacking for no reason or a coward always in defense
Regret nothing or live in denial
Hate “them” because they’re lost or because that’s how I feel compared

As time goes by I have to wipe these tears from my eyes and strive to get by because eventually I’ll just realize I was wrong about who I was inside, again.

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Woke Thoughts While Sleeping

...“What stops Flat Earth from being the cover up lie?” What if Earth is triangular? Or digital? And Flat Earth is to distract from the awareness that round Earth is a lie?

Who is responsible for originating the information any of us believe at any given moment and why do we believe that is true but we’re being lied to about what we don’t believe in? What if it is all a lie and the alternative was made by the same source as the original? Why ever believe something you’ve not proven yourself?

And then I wonder if I’m a victim to these thought patterns. Is my reality also just an illusions put before me to distract from the things I’ve realized are illusions? How much...

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Zeros and Ones

Destruction of the masses by disastrous frenzied bastards.

Leaking and manipulating the scheduled lives of the many classes caught in digital hazardous conditions they’ve had at us.

An intrepid hero who’s never been seen is trapped with their eyes in front of a screen and seamless transitions from visual scenes mean nothing and seem fuzzy, for only illusions could they be.

But a little thought settle not whether we’d know better.

Reality is money hungry and ruthless in its pursuit and as loud mice we must admit when the cat is too big and bury our heads in the granulated wall.

Back ally voices in expensive blue suits discuss paintings. Expensive art with a beating heart. A message for the loyal pets. Reprogramming, behavior must be modified. Feed it, get it on your side and change how it thinks. Even if it means one at a time.

They use the screen we hold.

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Across The Mirror

That across the mirror isn’t me
It mocks me when I say I am
Laughs to my face with a twisted smile and a malicious stare
Both of which I’m sure I don’t display
When eyes watch me they see it as if I don’t exist
And I ask why, I ask how do they see it and not me
So it tells me that I am the reflection
That I am but a mere illusion of the truth across the mirror
It tells me that my entire world is of self-deception and denial
And I refuse to believe its lies when I know that I am
But it’s always watching
With a smirk on its face
Ready for when I look its way

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A Written God

...this world began to form within the text. It wasn’t clear what I was looking at when I began, but as I continued the things written earlier became clearer. And I’d go and I’d make tiny adjustments to keep things consistent throughout the entire text. And these people within the universe I created developed personalities and lives. And as I continued to write they had families and friends. Loved..

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