America Was Never Great

...intention and apprehension when ascension is in play
Riddles question the path plaguing the rest of the way
Leaving illusions behind on display

And the whole roll is cold and old and no amount of flow can truly show what’s needed to be known to let go and move on with no holdbacks. We have to want to know what we already know but refuse acknowledge because of fear it’ll haunt us for eternity and rot us black, we don’t want that, we don’t like that

It’s maddening sad, “I don’t want to be known as bad”
So we hide our head between...


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All of Which is The American Dream suppress all this bullshit talk of racism and our honest hard working cops can finally get those dangerous niggers out of our streets. They’ll be able to protect our families the right way without some liberal pussy aiming a camera incriminating the human instead of the monkey. THAT is key.

Second, fuck all this bullshit about rape. Rape this, rape that. They’re just a bunch of whiny women who can’t seem to get their shit together and want to pretend they don’t like it because all the bitches around them pretend they don’t. But they know they want it, it’s human. They’re human. Now they won’t be able to go online and exaggerate a case that is nowhere near as severe at they’d like it to be.

Third, media has taken a strange turn in the last couple of years. Once actors and radio were the gods. The companies, the fame and the money. Now it’s all this half media crap. “Alternative media” or whatever they think it is. It’s a delusional dream they’re living. They’ve even stolen music from us and put them on their dumb streaming services destroying the radio companies in the process. This country needs to pick up again...

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Paranoid Drugs or die
If it’s not to me then I don’t mind

Let tragedies happen
I’ll buy tickets
I’ll stand in line
Even if I wanted to help
I could barely help myself when it was time

Don’t know what they’re saying when they’re saying that I’m woke
‘cause I spend all day in bed and I spent my whole life broke

Didn’t wake up for shit
Quit pretending I did
It’s not my fault that you fell
Got caught...

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The Hypocrites

...must be true
The word must get out
People deserve to know
Spread what’s here now and worry about getting the rest out later
Can’t stay here inactive waiting to hear the facts when someone else is already out there
Fair is only fair and it’s only fair when it’s right here
If it’s not it’s nowhere
There’s nothing else out there
Don’t fall for the nonsense
Be woke like all the others who spoke about things they don’t know
No research needs

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Tall Horse

Quaking corruption
Paths of destruction
Disruption of civilized production
Internalized devotion to formalized control schemes in motion

Placing comparison to leadership, embarrassing
Its trolling but the blind don’t see the joke
Or they hope it’s real, but no, its always been the deal

But Big boss is a killer
Quite a sinner
And ultimately the winner

That’s a tall horse

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A Day In The Hood

...shit get real”
“We men, we don’t run!”
“We die right here!”

The young naïve white boy cop spots these kids
Hot headed and ready to knock someone out of their socks,
But he’s scared he’ll be called a racist bad cop,
And he turns the other cheek,
Refuses to do his job,

Those teens did what they planned to do that day,
But got spotted and followed to their homes,
To their moms,
Where ever they stayed...

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Zeros and Ones

Destruction of the masses by disastrous frenzied bastards.

Leaking and manipulating the scheduled lives of the many classes caught in digital hazardous conditions they’ve had at us.

An intrepid hero who’s never been seen is trapped with their eyes in front of a screen and seamless transitions from visual scenes mean nothing and seem fuzzy, for only illusions could they be.

But a little thought settle not whether we’d know better.

Reality is money hungry and ruthless in its pursuit and as loud mice we must admit when the cat is too big and bury our heads in the granulated wall.

Back ally voices in expensive blue suits discuss paintings. Expensive art with a beating heart. A message for the loyal pets. Reprogramming, behavior must be modified. Feed it, get it on your side and change how it thinks. Even if it means one at a time.

They use the screen we hold.

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Political Opinions

...we went along defending this
Because blue and red
Who the fuck needs thoughts in their head
When Luck is a good boy
And brought Chance to dance
Instead of Reason without a doubt
Because that’s a thug
We could do without
The crap we’re fed
Unbelievable shreds
Proofless evidence
But we follow
Whether or not it makes sense
Because we don’t like “them” or their opinions
Essentially the same nonsense we believe in
Another jackass leading us
Secretly the...

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A Discussion Using Reason

...discussion or argument with how you feel about the subject is incorrect. That doesn’t apply in a scenario with anyone other than yourself. When having a rational fact based discussion, one must always base the argument on the most objective truth possible.

Cutting someone off because you want to be heard makes no sense, unless you’d like to be cut off too and also not be heard which is no different than two people in two different conversations speaking next to each other. A discussion requires two sides willing to hear each other and willing to base the information...

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Nazi Sympathizer

...has a problem with me. And I am quite dark skinned. He does simple believe Germans are better than whatever I might be.

I call it pride in his heritage.

And don’t get it twisted, he does in fact believe outside of the structure of current society he deserves more than other races and that he is genetically pure. And then we go for coffee and talk about cars.

Now, his belief must be pride, less all other none white races simply be the Nazis of their respective groups. The Puerto Rican Nazi whom finds Puerto Ricans superior. The Dominican which finds Dominicans...

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Fucking Sports! long as we’re not having sex they won’t reveal themselves having sex. The only way to gain their trust is through imitation. One must undergo a symbolic ritual of imitating the sexual act in order to see them doing the sexual act.

Isn’t that weird? Why is that? It’s like a seventh sense! Super meta monk mumbo jumbo. “You must first be the fucker to see the fucker.” And its existence is air, we feel it and never see it. It goes unseen for so long we’re eventually inside it without...

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Those Before Us

...kept, outdated, irrelevant ideologies the younger future of the planet will move forward, for they know time will surely always loosen the grip of ignorance and shove the old aside with the same force they abuse the weak.

But enter power with a humble tone for corruption is unavoidable. And age will assure we are who we fight as we grow to struggle letting go of the beliefs we...

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...bad ones so it looks like that’s the case, but do not let the loud minority represent the quiet majority. BE MORE FUCKING INTELLIGENT THAN THAT! Media controls your ignorant self by feeding you truth, but not all the truth. If you are shown 800 white cops killing black people, but no cops helping them, think hard about how you are being manipulated. Withholding information is just as valid as lying when it comes to convincing someone of what you want.

The same way that there aren’t that many white supremacists and overall racists towards the black community. Don’t get it wrong, there ARE! But it’s nowhere near how the media portrays it. And none of this has anything to do with Trump, either. That is just a crazy, confused, powerless Oldman unwilling to admit he’s incapable of true power. He’s convinced the presidency or money make him powerful, but if it were the case he would have settled. He strives because he knows he stands nowhere. Leave the old guy alone, he’ll eventually tire himself out and sit down or something. The man...

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Visceral Confusion

...For their mental
Present flow
Oval office rental

Open for rent
Spent thinking of votes spent
Counting every garbage cent

Ascent, here stackin’ cash
Thinkin’ that it’s gonna to last
Suffering Succatash
Money movin’ kinda fast

War Money
Fight Money
Nuke Money
Die Money

No education
Survive funny
Die funny

Corporate America
Call the bitch Erika
Stare at her
Satirical miracle
Fear the hoe

Saints jump hoops to adopt and save, can’t breed
Monsters freely enslave their spread seeds
Feeding malicious habits
Enough money to have this
They’ll reproduce like rabbits
While mass...

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M Face escape from polluted neighbors.
Captured by their force of nature.
Stuck, always facing one direction.
Unable to move how desired.
Unable to shift and see new things.
Weary eyes must always be fixed on those most blue.
Balancing, keeping check.
Assuring tides are not too drastic.
Assuring tides are not too tame.
It hurts, but staying is the only option.
And whether or not explained.
Denial is always present when the wise tell of the most unpleasant decent.
Excited, no one heeds warnings.
Ignoring stories, having no worries.
The glory is there was never any stopping this.
It’s nature’s course.
Unavoidably, it inflicts its force.
It all...

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Living in this infamous informal institute,

Feeling insulted, having to induce identity onto the inflexible.

Impatiently await the impending impediment.

Immerging from an impaled death is the impact of imperceptible imperfection.

Watch as they indulge interminably.

They leave intervals resulting from incomprehensible self-interest,

Letting interiors die of intoxication.

They introduce their lives to death,

Inviting others to share their indistinct pain and invincible misery.

This image imagined is an insignificant, infinitesimal imitation of the impoverish life innocent eyes have seen.

All of this is improper.

I act on impulse to call this an inarticulate hell.

This is life.


By Jack Thomas

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