Work on loving yourself and building yourself up before you drag someone else along on your incomplete journey… - VQ
Sometimes it’s not that two people aren’t meant to be together. Sometimes it just means they shouldn’t be together right now. That there are things they must first acknowledge and address within themselves before they can go around mixing their scattered energies with someone else’s. Scattered energy can be scarring if you are not careful. It can leave unintentional wounds, breaking even the strongest of people. It is quite difficult to enjoy the prospect of a new connection when you have not yet disconnected from the previous one. In that regard, you are still very much carrying those unwanted frequencies into your new relationship, which will inevitably collide forces and cause disruptions in the signals you emit.
One must quiet the storm within before they can hope for sunny days. Brighter days await those willing to work for them. Some people choose to ignore the weather. Letting it rain on their parade and forcing themselves to smile through the discomfort instead of preparing ahead of time and seeking their umbrellas. The tools for your problems are well within reach if you grasp at them, pick them up and really try them out. Figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. Because you can pretend you have it together all you want, but your drenched clothes and sopping wet shoes tell a different story. They scream how unprepared you are; how unready you are to walk into the next chapter.
If you keep up the front and force your way through anyway, you will drag with you the mess that you should’ve cleaned up and left behind. You will walk through feeling heavy, weighed down by the burden of your unresolved baggage. And in doing so you will inadvertently create chaos for whomever is standing on the other side of that door. Walking into their sanctuaries trailing muddy puddles over pristine floors, wafting unpleasant aromas, and leaving bitter tastes in their mouths. All too much to swallow. All too much to stomach. Find your peace before you attach yourself to someone else’s. You can’t achieve freedom from stinking thinking until you admit to the stench. And it just isn’t fair to believe that someone else’s good energy will be enough to fuel you.
Relationships are give and take so if you enter one with little goodness to give then essentially all you are doing is taking. Draining the happiness and tranquility from the lightest, brightest source you can find because it feels so amazing compared to your emptiness. It isn’t your fault that you have been damaged. That your own resources have been so depleted you have nothing left to offer. But it is your responsibility to fix it so that no one else accidentally pays the price for your vices. Make sure to use those tools and build a solid foundation. Construct and develop positive energy so that you may attract kindred spirits in return.